Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Long and Winding Road

2196.4 miles.

That's how far we've driven in the last 6 days on our "vacation" this summer. We took a trip through the Midwest touring 3 different universities for JJ's consideration. It was fun, but we are exhausted.

After driving all the way across Maryland--a much longer state than we realized--we arrived in beautiful West Virginia:

Then Pennsylvania for about a half-hour:

Back to West Virginia, then on to Ohio.

I was in the back seat and the state line came up unexpectedly, so the picture is not great.

After stopping for the night in Columbus, we stopped in Indiana Tuesday night.

Wednesday...on to Chicago, Illinois!

Thursday, we stopped for a few hours in Wisconsin...

And then ended up for the night in Iowa. This is a terrible picture due to the bumps in the road, the bright sun setting directly behind the sign, and the bug guts right in front. But trust me, it's Iowa.

Friday began the marathon trip home. From Iowa to Illinois to Indiana to Ohio...we finally stopped in Columbus at 2:30AM for a few hours' rest. Saturday...Ohio to West Virginia to Pennsylvania to West Virginia again to...Maryland.

Terrible picture as it was raining and once again I was in the back seat.

Ah, it's so good to be home!

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