Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cookies, Cookies Everywhere

I went to a cookie exchange today at my friend and neighbor Becki's house. I've always wanted to host one, but never had a clean enough house or enough time to plan one out. Maybe when I retire. :)

So I went as a guest to one. It was a lot of fun. My contribution was Chocolate-Peppermint Cookies, from a recipe from my friend Amy. Here they are:

 I was using an older model camera and couldn't remember how to turn the flash off, so some of these pictures are a little bright and shiny.

Here is the very cute container I put the cookies in--compliments of Target. I just loved this.

 Becki has such a cute display for her wine...the frozen containers were actually a part of the greenery. Very festive and it did a great job of keeping the wine chilled. Not that I tried the wine, or anything. ;)

 Here's my booty--5 dozen cookies from everyone present. Wow. That's a lot of cookies!

As part of the festivities, we had an ornament exchange. Here's what I got...such a cute reindeer. I stole it from a 5th grader. I'm not proud of that. :) But it was better than the original owner...the girl stole it from the mom of one of my students! That would have been awkward, but I would have done it anyway. That was part of the fun of the day--ornaments were flying around the room to all different people!

I really feel like the season is here. If only I were ready for it. SO much to do, so little time.

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